Spanish Spanish Chinese Chinese
March 28 - 31, 2010, Palma de Mallorca,  Spain

ICTCHS2010 has been Successfully held

The First International Conference on Tourism between China and Spain has successfully held during March 28-March 30. The participants of the conference have had a very fruitful conference.
The confernece high lights:
- The confernece opening at March 29, please see the news from our university, the  communciation media and the video.
- March 30, the  industrial response to the tourism boom in China. The general coordinator of IMTUR Pedro Oliver, the representative of the cluster turisTEC Vanessa Mojarro Bosch have presented first.
The executive vice president of the group marketing of Sol Meliá Mr. Luis del Olmo has had an impresive presentation about Sol Melia in China : Today and Tomorrow. The director in Spain and Portugal for Air Berlin Group, Mr. Álvaro Middelmann Blome has a presentation in title of  “Air Berlín and Spain”. These two leading industrial speech had given a completely distiguised view to answer the major question of the conference. The representative of the Playa de Palma consortium Mª Dolores Ordóñez Martínez also has presented the project to reform the playa de Palma completely.
- The video presentation of Mr Chen Yao has been a highlight of the conference. He introduced the development of Hainan and listed three levels of opportunities for Spanish and Balearic tourist enterprises. Here is a translation of the video.
Mr. Luis del Olmo  from Sol Meliá, Mr. Álvaro Middelmann from Air Berlin had a direct conversation via video with Mr Chen Yao real time for future concrete cooperataions.

Conference photos: You can see more photos about the conference here.  If you have photos about the conference and will like to send to us, please send to ictchs2010 at

ICTCHS2011 will be on March 2011 in Spain

The Second International Conferene on Tourism between China and Spain will be held on march 2011 in Spain again. If you want to cooperate with the conference, you can send your proposal to We welcome service providers to send their proposals.

How to arrive the Hotels and the University?

To arrive from the airport to the Hotel Tryp Bellver, you can take bus number 1 and stop at the station "Paseo Maritimo 11".
To go to Hotel Tryp Bosque from the airport, you can take the bus  number 1 and stop at Plaza de España (Square of Spain), then bus  number 3 and stop at  "Avenida Joan Miro 24".
We provide bus transportation from the two hotels to the university, please check the program.
For others, you can take bus number 19, number 20. You can also take the metro from Plaza de España to the end of the line.  There is a free bus from the metro station at the unviersity to go to the Hotel Management School building - Escola d´Hoteleria.

The rich social activities  program of ICTCHS2010

Please check the web page to see all the attactive social programs of the conference.

What is in the Conference Program?

The conference will have the openning ceremony Monday March 29 at 9:30 in the auditorim of Escola d´Hoteleria de les Illes Balears.
March 29, Monday will include the keynote speech  and presentations from researchers and academic view point including some results from national, regional research projects of China and Spain.
March 30, Tuesday is oriented to enterprises and institutions related to tourism and hospitality in China and in Spain. Air Berlin, Sol Meliá, the Cluster Turistec, IMTUR, the video presentation of Hainan province and the special talk of Mr. Bustamante from SEGITTUR Spain will be in the second day. See the program for more details.

Antonio de la Morena, Director of the Spanish Tourism Office in  Beijing sent his special presentation to ICTCHS2010

Mr. Antonio de la Morena, the director of the Spanish Tourism Office in the Spanish Embassy in Beijing, China has sent a special presentation to the conference as the contribution of the agency Turespaña to our conference. The title of the presentation is: The Chinese Tourist Market and Spain.

Vice-director of Hainan tourism development committee : Opportunities for collaboration between Hainan and Mallorca

The Chinese government just published a state order to further develop the tourism in Hainan, the Chinese tropical Island.
The vice-director of the Hainan Tourism Development Committee  Mr. Chen Yao has accepted our invitation to give a special video presentation. His special speech is in the title of : “The tourism internationalization of the Hainan Island and the opportunities for tourism development between Hainan and Mallorca”. See more details here.

The president of Segittur will be in ICTCHS2010

Mr. Javier Bustamante Moreno, the President of Segittur, representing the Secretariat of the State for Tourism in Spain will be in the conference. He will have a presentation in our conference session 2.3 about Information technology for tourism. Segittur is an institute under the Secretariat of the State for Tourism - Sociedad Estatal para la Gestión de la Innovación y las Tecnologías Turísticas, S.A. See for more details.

Chair of International Academy of tourism  will be in ICTCHS2010

The internationally known tourism expert, Professor Jafar Jafari  has accepted our invitation to be in the conference and chair the distinguished invited speech session. He is a full professor at the University of Wisconsin - Stout. He is the founding chair of the  International Academy for the Study of Tourism.  Our  distinguished invited speaker is Dr. Eduardo Fayos, Executive-Secretary of the WTO Education and Science Council.
The advanced program of the conference is now published. You can access to the program here.

Have you made your registration?

The conference is open to the enterprise professionals, educators and researchers in the field of tourism and the public. You are welcome to participate the conference. If you have not yet made your registration, please do so as soon as possible. Please do not wait until the last minute. Your registration will help us to organize the conference better. See our registration page for more details.

ICTCHS2010 receives support from
Excmo. Sr. Joan Mesquida Ferrando
the State Secretary for Tourism in Spain

The chair of the conference Professor Yuhua Luo has just received a written letter from Mr. Joan Mesquida Ferrando the Secretary of  the State for Tourism in Spain, the higest officer particularly in charge of tourism sector to demonstrate his support to the conference.  He mentions that this is an important event and he is confident that the conference will have a great success. He is now the honorable chair of our conference sterring committee.

News about ICTCHS2010 in

The famous Spanish magazine about tourism and hospitality hosteltur has published a news about our conference. See this news here for more details.

ICTCHS2010 registration opens now

The registration of the conference is open. Please see the registration page for more details.

Call for presentations from Tourism Enterprises and Administrations

ICTCHS2010 call for industrial presentations is now open. This call is
particularly for the enterprises, organizations of enterprises,
administrations in the tourism sector to present themselves in the
First International Conference on Tourism between China and Spain. You should submit your powerpoint presentations. The accepted presentations will have an opportunity to present in the conference orally and will be provided to the conference participants online.
  • Before Feb. 5: send an email of your intention to  of your presentation title and the name, job title of the presenter.
  • Feb. 15. 2010. Send 1 page abstract to
  • Feb. 20, 2010. Acceptation notification
  • Feb. 28, 2010.  Registration for the  accepted presenter. If your organization is a sponsor of the conference, you need to make registration but do not need to pay the registration fee.
  • March 10, 2010.  Powerpoint presentation due.
See details in the conference themes about the topics for presentations.

Call for short papers
deadline - Jan. 30,  2010

The  ICTCHS2010 call for short  papers is now open. A short paper should concentrate on your major findings, major results of your research or study.  A shor paper is limited to maximum of 5 pages . When you send your short paper, please send to with the mail title including the word "Short". A shor paper is the same as a full paper, but limited to 5 pages. Please see  the paper submission page for more information .

ICTCHS2010 full paper deadlines

The  ICTCHS2010 full paper abstract deadline has passed.  If you have not yet sent your abstract, you can still send the abstract or your full paper (10 pages maximum) directly in one week from the deadline.  The abstract or full paper should be sent to  See  the paper submission page for details.  It is important that you follow the abstract format. or the full paper format If you send your full paper directly to us, please limit your paper to 10 pages.

Join our mailing list

We welcome you to join our mailing list. You can send a mail to us with the mail subject line: "mailing list" to us: You can put your name, your affilation and comments about what you expect from this conference.  If you submit a paper, you are automatically signed into our mailing list, you do not need to send this mail to us. You are  welcome to send the call for papers information to the colleagues working in the tourism area. You can also put a link on your website to link to our conference :  Here is the call for papers.

About ICTCHS2010

For the first time, an international conference on tourism between China and Spain will be held in the tourist capital of Balearic Islands - Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Tourism has become one of the most important industries in Spain. During the last four decades the Spanish tourism industry has grown to become the second biggest in the world. According to the data from WTO, 2007, Spain is the second biggest country in the world for tourism destinations, in terms of arrivals, only next to U.S. and the second in the world in terms of tourism revenue, next to France.
At the same time, tourism industry is growing very rapidly in China. China has become a favorable destination for Europeans and people all over the world.
We believe that an international conference on tourism between China and Spain will provide an opportunity for researchers, professionals and industrial actors to exchange their successful experience on the development of the tourism. It will be a meeting point for professionals from other countries that are interested in the tourism industry in both countries.
The conference will provide a forum for the participants to present their research results and practical experience on the development of the tourism in all the areas. All the  paper contributions about tourism development, experience and case study, analysis of tourism resource, tourism market about China and Spain are all welcome.
The language of the conference will be in English.
The conference will have paper presentations. Accepted papers will be published by Pearson in a CD in digital form with ISBN.


Proceedings publisher



Sol Meliá

Promoting organizations

Cluster Turisme Balear.t
Cluster Turisme Balears
Cluster Turisme Balears
Cluster TurisTec
Cluster turisTEC · tourism technology

AECIT (Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo)

