The conference has been successfully held
The conference ICTCHS2012 has been successfully held in Zhuhai, China.
near 100 participants have attended the conference. The sessions
include academic and industrial presentations.
The participants enjoyed a tour in the local tourist hot spots on the
date Dec. 2 and a tour in the Guangzhou city on Dec. 3. The photo shows
a visit to the Zhuhai Hot Spring Resort which is the model for all the
hot spring resorts in China in service standards. The participants were
impressed by the warm hospitality of the resort staff.
Conference Program
You can download the
program here. The
program only includes the first two days. The third day Dec. 3, 2012
can be seen in the
program page.
Hotel Reservation
Please check price of the hotel rooms and contact the responsible
person by email about your hotel reservation. See our
Venue page for more information.
Post-Conference Tour
The conference will have two days sessions (Dec. 1, 2) in Zhuhai and
one day
professional tour in Guangzhou city (Dec. 3). Thses are provided by the
In addition, the conference ofers the optional post-conference tour for
those who would like to see other parts of China such as Beijing and
Xi'An. Here is a
description. If you want
to join the tour, please send a mail to the ict2012 at
and withe the mail title : post tour.
How to arrive the Zhuhai Holiday Resort Hotel
The conference will be held in the famous 5 star
Zhuhai Holiday Resort Hotel.
See the
instructions to know how to
arrive the hotel from the major airports.
Zhuhai Holiday Resort Hotel Address: In Chinese: 珠海度假村
Conference registration is open
Please check our
registration web page to make
your registration. You should make your registration fee transfer
before you send the registration form and the bank transfer copy.
Qatar Airways becomes our sponsor
Qatar airways becoms a sponsor of our conference. They offer discounts
to the conference participants. To get this discount, please click on
their logo on our page.
Para facilitar los desplazamientos desde España hasta China, la
aerolínea Qatar Airways ofrece una serie de descuentos a los
asistentes al congreso. Para la reserva con descuento, por favor, haga
un click a su logotipo a la parte derecha de esta página.
Abstract deadline extended
The conference has extended the abstract deadline to give
the authors more time to submit the papers. Please make advantage of
the extension to send your abstract or full paper to the conference.
Details please see our
submission page. After
the deadline, you are still welcome to submit the abstract, we will
consider it on a case by case base.
ICTCHS2012 will be held in Zhuhai, near Guangzhou,
China,on Nov.30 - Dec. 3, 2012
第三届中西旅游大会将2012年11月30 至 12 月3 日
After the success of the First and Second conferences, the Third
International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality
between China and Spain 2012 will be held on Nov.30 - Dec. 3, 2012 in
Zhuhai city, in the close approximity of Guangzhou (Canton) the
biggest city in China after Beijing
and Shanghai. Guangzhou is the most famous Chinese business city. There
is only 1,5 hour by bus from Guangzhou. You
are welcome to submit
papers and participate to the conference! Tourism and hospitality
research is facing an unprecedented number of
issues, opportunities and challenges, many of which have global
implication. Please check paper deadline in our
"important dates" page.
The conference will have two major parts, the academic part and the
industrial part. The academic part is for the researchers in tourism
and hospitality related fields in China, Spain and other parts of the
world to exchange their research results directly. The industrial part
is for the tourism and hospitality sectors to have a cooperation
platform with their Chinese counter parts to provide business
opportunities and direct contact. The conference will provide a unique
global forum for academics, thought leaders and key industry
practitioners from diverse backgrounds and interests to meet, discuss
and debate critical issues that will affect the future direction of
tourism and hospitality research and practice.
All the paper contributions about tourism and hospitality development,
tourist experience and case studies, analysis of tourism resource,
hospitality market, and hospitality management about China, Spain and
other areas in the world are all welcome. The focus is the difference
in tourism and hospitality development between developing countries and
developed countries and how they can learn from each other’s
experiences of economic development, environment protection,
sustainability etc.
The language of the conference will be in English.
第三届中西旅游大会将于2012年11月30 至 12 月3
ICTCHS2012 paper deadlines
Abstract submission: September 10, 2012. If you
plan to submit your paper to the journal of Tourism Economics or
Tourism Management Aspects, we recommend you to submit the full paper
instead of the abstract in the right format by this deadline.
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: October 10, 2012
Final paper submission and early registration: October 20, 2012 .
Please see the
submission page
for more details.
Tourism Economics will publish a special issue for
We are pleased to have the confirmation from the Tourism Economic
journal that the best papers concerning tourism economics in our
conference will be selected and publish in a special issue.
This journal is covered by Thomson Reuters in the Social Sciences
Citation Index (SSCI) and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral
Sciences. Impact Factor: 0.614.
The criteria of selection is that the paper topic should be
directly related to tourism economics.
All the accepted papers will be publish in a CD with ISBN number. The
best papers related to other topics will be selected to formally
publish in a book published by an international book publisher.
ICTCHS2012 Successfully held 第二届中西旅游大会成功召开
The Second International Conference on Tourism between China-Spain has
successfully held. The participants enjoyed both academic, industrial
presentations and the visits. The Chinese participants visited the WTO
in Madrid after the conference. See the photos about the
conference by clicking the photo below. You can check the
conference website of 2011