banner   Nov. 11-13, 2018, Guangzhou, China

Conference final program published

The conference final program is now available. Some detailed information is also included in the program and served as a program manual. Please to to our program page to download it. We look forward to welcoming all of you in Guangzhou, China!

Conference will be held in the University Town International Hotel

The conference will be held in the University Town International Hotel, a 4 star hotel right in the center of the Guangzhou University town. The Chinese name of the hotel is 广州华工大学城中心酒店. The address is: No. 68, Hua Gong North Road, Panyu District, 510006 Guangzhou, China. See our venue page for more information.

ICT2018 proceedings publisher

All the accepted full papers in English will be reviewed and selected for publication in our proceedings book which will be published by the China Travel and Tourism Press. The proceedings will be sent for ISI Web of Knowledge 检索平台下的 ISI Proceedings (CPCI-SSH—Conference Proceedings CitationIndex - Social Science & Humanities) for indexing.

所有投稿论文都将进行同行学术评审,被接收的论文将由中国旅游出版社出版。该论文集将送ISI Web of Knowledge 检索平台下的 ISI Proceedings (CPCI-SSH—Conference Proceedings CitationIndex - Social Science & Humanities)检索。优秀论文经过充分扩展重新审稿后可被选录发表。

ICT 2018 Final Call for Papers

A finalcall for papers for the conference is now open. You are welcome to submit papers to the Easychair system. Please see our submission page for all the details.

第八届中国-西班牙旅游与接待业国际会议(ICT 2018)将于2018年11月11日至13日在中国广州举行。
会议欢迎有关中、西方旅游研究发展的英文及中文论文稿件投稿。被会议论文集收录发表的所有论文必须用英 文撰写。如投稿论文不计划被收录发表于会议论文集中,则可以用中文或西班牙文撰写,但至少需要提交英文 版的论文题目、摘要和会议演讲PPT。投稿方法请看我们的投 稿网页
本届大会诚邀国内外旅游与接待业学术界和产业界人士参加。大会由学术部分、产业部分两大部分构成。学术 部分主要由来自世界各地的旅游和接待业相关领域的国际研究人员根据研究兴趣直接交流他们的研究成果。产 业部分主要面向旅游和酒店企业,为他们提供商机和直接接触的机会以促进中国和西方国家产业界的积极合 作。
所有投稿论文都将进行同行学术评审,被接收的论文将由中国旅游出版社出版。该论文集将送ISI Web of Knowledge 检索平台下的 ISI Proceedings (CPCI-SSH—Conference Proceedings CitationIndex - Social Science & Humanities)检索。优秀论文经过充分扩展重新审稿后可被选录发表。

ICT 2018 will be held in Guangzhou, China

After the success of the held in Chengdu, we are delighted to announce that the 8th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality between China and Spain (ICT 2018) will be held in the beautiful subtropical city Guangzhou, the third biggest city in China, November 11-13, 2018. Please mark your calendar to reserve these days.

Guangzhou, traditionally named Canton, is the capital the Guangdong province in southern China, 120 Km northwest to Hong Kong. Guangzhou has a history of over 2,200 years. Guangzhou is situated at the heart of the most-populous built-up metropolitan area in China forming one of the largest urban agglomerations on the planet. In 2015 the city's population already reached 13.5 million. In recent years, Guangzhou has built a completely new city center with modern buildings and advanced metro transportation systems. Guangzhou is now a cosmopolitan city in the world.

Guangzhou plays an important role for foreign trade in China. Guangzhou is best known for its annual Canton Fair, the oldest and largest trade fair for “Made in China” products.

Call for papers All original paper contributions that may help in the mutual understanding of China-Spain, Asian-Western tourism and hospitality research and development are welcome to submit to the conference. All the papers should be in English. The paper topics can be found in our call for papers page.

The conference has both academic and industrial parts. The academic part is for international researchers in tourism and hospitality related fields from all over the world to exchange their research experience. The industrial part is for the tourism and hospitality professionals to promote the cooperation between China and Spain.
Accepted full papers will be selected and published in the conference proceedings. In addition, based on the quality, some of the presented papers will be invited to be considered on to publish in SCI indexed journals after a full extension.

The working language of the conference will be in English. The contact email of the conference is ict2018 @

Organizers The conference is organized jointly by the cooperation of the School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, and the University of Balearic Islands in Spain.  The local organizer and promoter is the South China University of Technology. As an established structure of the conference, the main conference responsible coordinator and global organizer is the Tourism Faculty, University of Balearic Islands, Spain.

第八届中西旅游大会将于2018年11月11至13日在中国广 州市召开。我们的大会是国际性的。所有国家的学界业界都欢迎投稿参会。本次大会由华南理工大学,及西班 牙巴利阿里大学(University of Balearic Islands)的旅游管理学院联合主办。 我们欢迎全国旅游及酒店管理的学术界及业界踊跃投稿及参加这次中西旅游及酒店管理交流盛会。所有来稿请投到本大会在Easychair上的投稿系统。详细 情况请看本网站。大会的联系邮箱是 ict2018 @。除了所有被接收的长论文会被选入在中国旅游出版社正式出版并送交索引外,大会将会在国际旅游经济杂志出一个特刊。优秀论文将有望被邀请在充 分扩展重新审稿后收入特刊。

Journal Publication Possibilities We will have journal publication possibilities for the selected papers among the accepted papers in the conference. The Tourism Economics is one of them. To be selected for the journal publication, your paper should fit into the scope of the journal. The paper should be in full length and in English.  The papers will pass a peer to peer review. The papers should be well written in topic, structure and English.   

ICTCHS2017 successfully held in Chengdu

The conference has been successfully held in Chengdu. Over a hundred scholars from China, Spain, United States, Australia and New Zealand participated the conference. The participants discussed around the main theme of the conference - the new trends, new methodologies and new strategy for the development of tourism and hospitality in the globalization environment. A report about the conference in Chinese can be found here.


The opening ceremony
Guests and the organization team

foreign participants


Proceedings Publisher

China Travel and Tourism Press

Supporting Organization

UIB - a
                                member of RedIntur

                              a member of WTO

Local Co-organizers
