Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Continuous Submission ICT 2019 继续征稿通知The conference continues to receive paper submission. If you have not submitted your paper, you can still submit papers until Sept. 25. This is for both academic and industrial participants. Please see the submission page for how to send abstract or full paper to the Easychair system.All original paper contributions that may help in the mutual understanding of China-Spain, Asian-Western tourism and hospitality research and development are welcome to submit to the conference. All the papers should be in English. The paper topics can be found in our call for papers page. Publication of the proceedings: We highly recommend you to submit a full paper based on your accepted abstract. Full paper deadline: June 30, 2019. All the accepted full papers in English will be reviewed and selected for publication in our proceedings book which will be published by Springer Nature. The proceedings will be indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge (CPCI-SSH—Conference Proceedings CitationIndex - Social Science & Humanities). 一直到9月25日,大会投稿系统将继续接受投稿。只是根据注册日期您要按正常情况交注册费。如果您还 没有投稿,请及时把稿件投到Easychair系统。详情请看我们的投 稿网页。 我们强烈建议大家投英文全文。截稿期是2019年6月30日。论文将进行同行学术评审所有投稿论文都 将进行同行学术评审,被接收的论文将由著名的出版社Springer出版。该论文集将 ISI Web of Knowledge 检索平台下的 ISI Proceedings (CPCI-SSH—Conference Proceedings CitationIndex - Social Science & Humanities)检索。优秀论文经过充分扩展重新审稿后可被推荐到SCI杂志上发表。 The conference has both academic and industrial parts. The academic part is for international researchers in tourism and hospitality related fields from all over the world to exchange their research experience. The industrial part is for the tourism and hospitality professionals to promote the cooperation between China and Spain.Accepted full papers will be selected and published in the conference proceedings. In addition, based on the quality, some of the presented papers will be invited to be considered on to publish in SCI indexed journals after a full extension. The working language of the conference will be in English. The contact email of the conference is ict2019@ china-spain.org for general equiries and ict2019-1 @ easychair.org for paper submission issues. Chinese participants can use ict2019@ qq.com to contact the organization team. Organizers: The conference is organized jointly by the cooperation of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, South China University of Technology, and the University of Balearic Islands in Spain. The Chinese organizer and promoter is the South China University of Technology. As an established structure of the conference, the main conference responsible coordinator and global organizer is the Tourism Faculty, University of Balearic Islands. ICT 2019 Registration OpensThe registration for the conference is now open. You can go to the registration page to make your registration. We recommend you to make the registration as soon as possible to make advantage of the early registration.ICT 2019 will be held in Barcelona, Spain
The 9th International Conference on Tourism and
Hospitality between China and Spain (ICT2019) will
be held in the most colorful and charming
Mediterranean city - Barcelona, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2,
2019. The dates are chosen to connect to the
Chinese National day golden week. We expect to
have a large participation from both industrial
and academic areas to the conference. Our host is
the Autonomous University of Barcelona, one of the
three biggest universities in Barcelona. |