Advanced program
Paper presentation time
table: For paper presentation time
schedule, please download here by clicking the
following link: time
Para una versión del programa abajo en
castellano, por favor, clicar aquí: program in
September 27, 2016
MADRID (C / San Bernardo, 49)
18:00 Official opening
• Dr. Carlos Andradas Heranz. Rector of the
University Complutense of Madrid
• Mr. Enrique Ruiz Escudero. Deputy director of
Presidency and Justice of Madrid
• Mr. Luis Cueto Alvarez de Sotomayor, General
Coordinator of the City Hall of Madrid
• Mr. Lyu Fan. Ambassador of the PRC in Spain
• Professor Yuhua Luo, Founding Chair of the
International Conference on Tourism and
Hospitality Between China and Spain, University of
Balearic Islands
• Professor Mª Concepción García Gómez. Dean of
the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism of the UCM.
18:45. Short speech from the co-organizers of the
• Dr. Bartholomew Deya, Dean of the Faculty of
Tourism of the University of the Balearic Islands
• Dr. Huang Wen, Associate Director of China
Leisure and Tourism Research Center, Sichuan
University, China.
19:00. Speech by Eunji, Tae, Knowledge Network
coordinator, Affiliate Memers Program, the World
Tourism Organization WTO.
19:45. Welcome cocktail
September 28, 2016
Faculty of Commerce and tourism of
the University Complutense of Madrid. Address:
Avda. Filipinas, nº 3, 28003 Madrid
9:00-9:30 Registration for participants.
9.30-11:00 Opening Round table: "Economic
trends and business prospects of the Chinese
tourism market". (Assembly Hall - Salón de Actos)
Moderator: Mr. Miguel Angel Sastre Castillo
• Ms. Sabine Schwanz, director of tourism
promotion of Madrid Destino S.A.
• Iberia (Speaker to be confirmed)
• Ms. Elena Forguet, director of business at Value
• Mr. Hugo Rovira, Director General of NH Hotel
Group for Spain, Portugal and Andorra
• Mr. Pedro Castro - CEO of Dufree
11:00-11:30 Coffee break.
11:30-13:00 Roundtable: "Hospitality: bridge
/ embrace between cultures"
(Assembly Hall - Salón de Actos)
Moderator: Mr. Ricardo Lopez, Deputy Director of
Value Retail Retail Spain
• Mr. Manuel Vegas (President of Spanish
Association of Hotel Directors in Madrid)
• Mr. Iván Cerdeño (Director, Michelin Star)
• Mr. Sergio Gonzalez Ferrán, collaborator of
Adria, advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture and
an expert on dissemination of Spanish cuisine in
China, Japan and the United States
• Director of ARCO. Trends and dialogue between
Chinese and Spanish contemporary art (tbc)
• Evelio Acevedo, Managing Director of the
13:00-14: 00 Presentations for universities
in the network RedINTUR
14:00-16: 00 Lunch
16:00-20: 00 Academic sessions
16:00-17: 50 Communications. Chair: Mr.
Ignacio Ruiz Guerra
17:50-18: 10 Coffee break.
18:10-20: 00 Communications. Chair: Ms Maria
Garcia Hernandez
September 29, 2016
Location: Faculty of Commerce and
tourism of the Complutense University of Madrid
(Avda Filipinas, nº 3, 28003 Madrid)
9: 30-11: 00 Roundtable: "Intelligent
Tourism. Major trends "
(Assembly Hall - Salón de Actos)
Moderator: Mr. Adolfo Aguilar Millan
• D. Arnaldo Muñoz, director of Airbnb
• Chinese representative of WeChat or Weiboo (tbc)
• Ms. Chen Liming, director of marketing for CTrip
• D. Calixto Mellen, Project Manager Segittur
• Loewe Director General (tbc)
11: 00-11: 30 Coffee break.
11: 30-13: 00 Roundtable: "Tourism and
Institutional Relations Spain-China"
(Assembly Hall - Salón de Actos)
Moderator: Ms. María Concepción García Gómez
• Representative of Chinese Embassy in Spain (tbc)
• D. Rafael Chamorro Marín. Deputy Director
General of Foreign Tourism Marketing. Tourism
Institute of Spain (TURESPAÑA)
• Kurt D. Grötsch. Friendly Chinese, president.
• D. Marcelo Muñoz. President of Cátedra China.
• D. Ramón Mª Moreno, General Director of Casa
13:30. Lunch.
15: 00-17: 00 Academic session
Communications. Chair: Mr. Adolfo Aguilar
17:30 Visit to ROZAS VILLAGE.
20: 00-21: 00 Closing ceremony and cocktail
of gala in the Rozas Village.
September 30, 2016
10:00-12:00 Visit to the World Tourism
12:00 Optional sightseeing tours.