banner   March 27 - 30, 2011, Palma de Mallorca,  Spain

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The ICTCHS2011 Partial and Student Registration opens

Please choose carefully which registration you have to make. Por favor elige su inscripción más adecuada y pinchar el enlace en su título. 中国代表请选择完全注册,点击如下第一行的Full registration 提头:

Full registration (Inscripción completa):
for all the accepted papers, industrial presentations, industrial exhibitors, there should be at least one full registration per presentation.  Para
Also it is for other participants who want to participate all the activities of the whole conference.
Early registration is finished by Feb. 28, 2011. Normal registration 400 € (After 28th February, 2011) (论文作者和其他参会者) 正常及会议期间注册(2011年2月28日后) 400 €

Partial registration (Inscripción Parcial):  for participation of a selected day - people who do not have accepted papers, or for co-authors there is one author already paid full registration for the paper, industrial presentation or industrial exhibitions.  Please see details in the registration form.

Student registration (Inscripción para estudiante no-doctoral): all the undergraduate, master degree students who want to participate the 2 day conference.  The doctoral (Ph. D) students are not qualified for this rate. You should send a copy of your student card with the payment trasfer to
Early registration 50 €, late registration 70 €.

中国国内代表请注意:请用下表订酒店房间。 如果您实在看不到下面表格,可以从这里下载。再按表中要求用电邮订酒店房间。

ICTCHS2011 Hotel Reservation Form 大会酒店房间网上预定表


Proceedings publisher


Journal of Tourism Economics

Sol Meliá

Santander Universidades

Promoting organizations

Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo



cti, UIB

Other sponsors

