banner   Nov.30 - Dec. 3, 2012, Zhuhai, China

ICTCHS2012 registration

The registration is now open yet. Please download this registration form, fill it up and make the payment transfer. You should then send the registration form and the bank transfer copy in .pdf file to the conference In the mail title, please put your name and the word "registration" .

Here is the registration form: ICTCHS2012registration form.doc

Outside mainland China Author Rate*

Early Bird Rate  € 300

Full Rate  € 350

Student Rate** € 200
China mainland Author Rate*

Early Bird Rate  RMB 1800

Full Rate RMB 2000

Student Rate*** RMB 1200

*The author rate applies to one presenting author per submitted paper
**The student rate applies to those registered for a higher degree. Student applications must be accompanied by a signed letter from the student’s head of department attesting to student status please send this by email to ict2012 @

Early registration: before Nov. 1, 2012
Full rate applies after Nov. 1, 2012

The registration fee includes:
•    Access to conference sessions
•    Full conference materials
•    Welcome drinks reception
•    Mid-session refreshments, as scheduled in the conference program
•    Banquet Nov. 30, 2012.
•    Lunches, dinner on Dec. 1-2 
•    Tour to Guangzhou City Dec. 3, 2012