July 12-14, 2017, Chengdu, China
Click here to download the registration form and make your payment. After, please fill up the registration form and send it to ictchs @ qq.com with your paper number as the mail title. 大会早期注册费包括参加大会的所有主分会场的会议,大会工作午餐,茶歇,晚宴等等。目前注册已经开始。请点 击下载注 册表,用银行汇款后 填写注册表,并把表格用.pdf寄到大会邮箱ictchs @ qq.com。请看上表早期注册的截止期。 Proceedings
publication and indexing fee
All the
accepted full papers that would like to be
included in the proceedings for ISI indexing
should pay one publication fee per paper. Please
check your email of paper acceptance from the
conference. Once you have received a mail about
your full paper has been accepted, you can fill up
the following form and make the payment by bank
transfer. After, you send it to the conference
email address ictchs @ qq.com.