Conference Registration 大会注册
The registration fee for all participants is
RMB1600 and for students is RMB1000. Students
should submit a copy of student id.
- The registration fee includes the admission
to all the technical sessions, coffee breaks,
meals and conference social activities. The
personal transportation, accommodation, and
other travel costs are not included.
- Payment Methods: Payment can be made through
bank transfer or on-site payment. Please
include the following in the payment note:
"Participant's Name + Institution Name +
International Tourism Conference."
- Payment bank account information:
Account Name: Shenzhen Tourism College, Jinan
Bank: China Construction Bank, Shenzhen
Overseas Chinese Town Branch
Account Number: 4420 1518 3000 5603 4426
- Additional payment method: by
- Here is the QR code for WeChat payment