banner   Nov. 11-13, 2018, Guangzhou, China

Conference Registration Opens 大会注册已经开始

Conference registration fee will be  around  €190 which includes admission to all the conference sessions, conference lunches, coffee breaks and conference dinner etc. For accepted full papers in English, a publication fee of  €190 should be paid to cover the publication cost.

The registration is now open. Please download your registration form, pay the registration fee and publication fee (if you are informed that your paper was accepted for the proceedings). The registration form should be sent to ict2018 @

大会注册费包括参加大会的所有主分会场的会议,大会工作午餐,茶歇,晚宴等等。如果你的论文全文是用英文写 的,并被接收及收录到论文集,要另交出版费用。请及时把注册回执用邮件送到大会邮箱ict2018 @。注册费是 ¥1500. 已经通知被接收入论文集的论文出版费是¥1500. 请点击下载中文注册表

Proceedings Publisher

China Travel and Tourism Press

Supporting Organization

UIB - a
                              member of RedIntur

UIB - a
                            member of WTO