banner   Nov. 11-13, 2018, Guangzhou, China

Abstract Sumission 摘要投稿方法

You can send one page abstract of your paper to the Easychair system. The format of the extended abstract can be found 摘要格式here.

Full Paper Submission (optional)

If you already uploaded the full paper, you don't need to do it again. But please check your information about title and author names, emails again and make sure that it is correct.

You can download the final paper format in Step 2, this page.

Important! You should use the same paper number in the Easychair system. In your paper submission page of the paper, look at the upper right corner and use the commands there to update your paper to the final version. The commands are : "Update information", "Update authors", and "Update file". If you change the title or add more authors, you should also update the information there. To upload your full paper if you have not yet done so or you have a better version, please use the "Update file" command. Please do not submit it as new which will create another paper number.

Please notice that only the accepted full papers that have made the registration payment one registration per paper will be included in the proceedings book. Please check the registration page for details.

Paper Submission     

Please use our online submission system for any submission of papers and presentations.  You should use the Easychair system for submission.

Step 1. Please sign up an Easychair system account first if you do not have one. Please go to the to sign up an account. The system will ask you an email address. After signing up, please check your email in that email address and follow the the instruction in the email that the system sent to you. If you have the Easychair account before, skip the Step 1 and go to Step 2 directly.

Step 2. The submission page is:

Abstract length: maximum 2 pages. Final paper maximum length is 10 pages.

If you submit in Chinese, please provide a title and one full page extended abstract in English. The format of the extended abstract can be found 摘要格式here. The paper format for the final paper can be found 全 文格式here

In what language:
We are asking all the authors to submit their papers in English and in full length. All the accepted papers will be published in a proceedings book.
However, if you do not want to publish the paper or you have difficulty, papers written in Chinese and Spanish will be accepted but will not be published. The authors can feel free to decide if you would like to publish the paper.

For people that would like to submit to the proceedings published by the China Tourism Publishing House, we require to submit full paper version in English. Only the papers in full length and with English will enter the selection for publication.

我们要求大家用英文投稿。但是大会接受中文英文和西班牙文的来稿。如果不是英文,论文不会出版在论文集上。 可以在大会上陈述。也要有英文标题和摘要。全文应按大会论文格式限在 10页左右。
请网上投稿: 本大会使用EasyChair系统接收稿件。

步骤1. 到 注册一个用户名。
* All accepted papers will be published in a proceedings book after the peer to peer review.
* Selected papers will be invited to be in the special issue of journals.

For enterprise, and institution presentations:
You are welcome to submit abstracts according to the conference themes in the call. Please see the call for papers and presentations. The subject should not be directly linked to your own company commercial activities.
Please also send to Easychair system.
If you want to give a talk related directly to your own company, you should become a sponsor.  Here is the information about how to be a sponsor.  

Proceedings Publisher

China Travel and Tourism Press

Supporting Organization

UIB - a
                                  member of RedIntur

                                - a member of WTO

Local Co-organizers
