banner   Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2019, Barcelona, Spain

Conference has been held successfully

The conference has been held successfully and no longer accepts registrations. See you in Shanghai 2020!

Conference Registration Details 大会注册详情

Academic participants
Normal registration: €350
Student participants:
Normal registration: €120
Groups 2-3 (full registration): €300
Groups 4 or more (full registration): €250
Accompanying person
Gala Dinner:    €50.00
Tour:               €30.00
Pack Gala Dinner + Tour: €70
Non-academics: administration, enterprises, associations etc.

•    Regular registration fee includes: admission to all the conference sessions, conference lunches, coffee breaks and conference banquet, Barcelona guided tour etc. It also includes a copy of certificate, the printed abstracts and digital documents.
•    Student registration fee includes: admission to all sessions, coffee breaks, participation certificate, a copy of printed abstracts and digital documents. Students are welcome to make full registration if they wish.
•    UAB students can attend academic sessions for free but no certificate for participation will be provided unless they pay a student registration fee.

学者的大会注册费包括参加大会的所有主分会场的会议,大会工作午餐,茶歇,晚宴,巴塞罗那游览,参会证书, 摘要汇集册等等。早期注册费 是  €250。 正常注册费是 €350. 。学生注册费不包括午餐,晚宴,游览等等。欢迎学生参会者选择正常注册以便参加所有活动。

Hotel Reservation Opens

After your conference registration, a hotel reservation form will be sent to you.

Hotel Exe Campus. (4-star hotel, on site). Special prices for ICT2019:
- Standard bedroom single occupancy: B&B €65
- Standard bedroom double occupancy: B&B €72

The hotel is located in the campus. See for more information. We recommend you to make the registration and reserve the hotel as soon as possible because the conference price rooms are limited. The booking is already open until July 26 2019.  See the venue page for transportation instructions.

Other hotels

There plenty of hotels in Barcelona. If you book another hotel, you should take a look at the transportation section and choose a hotel near the Plaηa Catalunya or near any of the stops of the FGC S2Line train station.


                                Autonoma de Barcelona


South China
                                University of Technology


Supporting Organization

UIB - a
                                member of RedIntur