Spanish Spanish Chinese Chinese
March 28 - 31, 2010, Palma de Mallorca,  Spain

About Mr. Chen Yao, the vice-director of tourism development committee in Hainan

Mr. Chen Yao is the vice-director of the Hainan Tourism Development Committee, vice-president of the China tourism marketing expert committee, China regional Science association for regional, tourism development, Distinguished invited professor of Tourism College at Hainan University, adjunct researcher of Tourism School at Shanghai Normal University etc.

Since 1993, he directed or participated the planning and realization of a series of important events and activities for the Hainan Tourism sector. He has successfully in expanding the Hainan international and national market such as in brand development for the tourism in Hainan such as health island, holiday island. He has also successfully directed the international tourism island planning. He has numerous innovative achievements in tourism planning and marketing.

He has visited Mallorca twice and had very good impression about the tourism development in Mallorca. He is very keen in promoting the cooperation between Hainan and Mallorca, and with Baleares, Spain in general. There may be an opportunity that he can answer our questions in the conference  through internet in real time.


Proceedings publisher



Promoting organizations

Cluster Turisme Balear.t
Cluster Turisme Balears
Cluster Turisme Balears
Cluster TurisTec
Cluster turisTEC · tourism technology

AECIT (Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo)

