The ICTCHS2010 Registration
Registration form
You can dowload the registration form here either in
.pdf or in word.
Registration in .pdf
Registration in word .doc
Please fill in the information in details, make your registration
fee payment and send the registration form to us by email to In the mail title, please include the word
"Registration". Please notice that your registration form will
not be processed until we have your bank transfer copy or your credit
card payment signed.
Hotel reservation
You can choose one of the two
confernece hotels that we will have bus to take you to the conference
site. Please send the reservation form to us by email to In the mail title, please include the word
.pdf reservation form
.doc reservation
Registration fee
Normal/Onsite Rate (Received after February 28th, 2010)
Complet registration 3 days for Committee members, UIB
250 €
Complete registration 3 days for All authors, participants
300 € |
Partial registration 1 day
presentations without evening events |
90 €
Partial registration 2 days
only presentations without evening events |
150 €
The complete registration fee include one copy of the conerence
proceedings, all
the event tickets (reception, banquet, lunches, coffee breaks, two day
presentation entrance and one day local tourism professional visit) and
local transportation.
Admission to the conference one or
two days according to
your registration, one copy of the conference proceedings (CD) with all
published, coffee breaks and lunch.
All committee members, authors and participants from organizers
organization early and normal on-site registration fee: 250 Euros
Regisrtation dates
Regular registrations: until the end of the conference