Spanish Spanish Chinese Chinese
March 28 - 31, 2010, Palma de Mallorca,  Spain

Powerpoint Presentation draft - March. 10, 2010

Who should send the powerpoint presentation?
1. Every accepted paper
2. The industrial, institutional presentations

What to send ?
- The name of the presenter, job title, organization name and one or two lines about the presenter.
- The draft or final version of your powerpoint presentation around 10-15 pages
Each presentation has 15 minutes including the questions. Therefore, you should have power point with the outline and the most important  and contents. Please do not send  too many pages. 

The presentation should be in English. If you have any difficulty, please contact us as soon as possible.

Where to send and when? before March 10,  2010.

Power point Presentations from Enterprises and Administrations

 Powerpoint presentation abstract: should have should have the Title, authors's names, Name of the enterprise or organization, website, email, keyword list, text and the outline of the presentation.

Powerpoint presentation should have :

The Title, authors's names, name of the enterprise or organization, website, email, keyword list and main presentation.  Please take into account that the presentation time is limited to 15 minutes for each presentation.

Abstract submission

Each abstract includes:
Title, authors's names, affiliation, email, keyword list and text.
The  keyword list has to include at least one keyword in our conference themes.  Abstract length maximum 1 page A4. You can download the abstract foramt  here.

If you are ready, you can also submit the full paper directly with maximum 10 pages A4. You can download the full paper format here.

Please send your abstract or full paper within the deadline to :

The title of the mail should give the name of the first author in a short form. You will receive an acknowledge mail within a few days. After review, we will inform you if your abstract is accepted.
The accepted authors can then submit the final full paper before Feb. 20, 2010. The full paper length should be maximum 10 pages A4.  See the format below.


Proceedings publisher



Promoting organizations

Cluster Turisme Balear.t
Cluster Turisme Balears
Cluster Turisme Balears
Cluster TurisTec
Cluster turisTEC · tourism technology

AECIT (Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo)

