Final Program
March 28, 2010 Sunday
18:00 – 20:00 Conference registration in Tryp Bellver hotel lobby
March 29, 2010, Monday Auditorium, the Hotel
Management School, Campus UIB
8:20 conference bus departs from hotel B, 8:30 from
hotel A
Registration desk opens until the end of the conference
9:30 -
10:00 Conference Opening
President of the Conference
Rector of UIB, Vice-Rector of Guangzhou University
Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO, and Executive
Secretary of the UNWTO Education and Science Council
Director of the Tourism Administration of Balearic Government
Director of the Tourism School, UIB
10:00 - 10:10 Director of the Tourism Administration
of Balearic Government
10:10 - 10:20 Vice-Rector of Guangzhou University
10:20 -10:30 Speech of the Chair of the
steering committee Managing director of Cluster Balears.t Mr. Miguel
Payeras: East and West: Tourism, China and Spain
10:30 - 11:00 Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Eduardo
Fayos-Solà, Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO, and
Executive Secretary of the UNWTO Education and Science Council
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break Signing
ceremony of the agreement between UIB and Guangzhou University
11:30 - 11:45 Ricardo Sagrera- Presentation of
11:45 - 14:00
Session 1.1 How Spain prepares the Chinese tourism booming I
• Rosario Andreu, Inbound and
outbound Chinese tourism: Opportunities and challenges for Spain
• Guojun Zeng, Expansion Strategies and
Evolution Paths of Hotel Groups in China
• Diego R. Medina-Muñoz, Tourist destination
competitiveness: An approach to identify collaborative strategic
actions between China and Spain
• Qing Yuan, Experience and
analysis about Chinese tourists in Balearic Islands
• Jordi Tresserras, Chinese Tourists and
Cultural Tourism in Catalonia, Spain
Session 1.2 Analysis on regional tourism in China and Spain
• Qing Peng, Growth Path of Family Inns in China:
Case Study on the World Heritage Lijiang Old Town
• Xiao Xing, Tourism Exploitation in Special Urban
• Marco A. Robledo, Residential Tourism in The
Balearic Islands: An Analysis
14:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 17:00
1.3 Marketing on web for tourism and hospitality
• Roger Andrews, Towards an Intercultural Web Design
in Tourist Web Sites
• Enric López, New Online Tools for Tourist
Destination Marketing - The Experiential Web
Session 1.4
: Special topics in tourism development I
• Juan Palop, Tourist City vs. Tourist Resort
• Ana Isabel Mesía, Tourism
in the Historical Cities
• Fang Zhongquan, Cooperation
in Joint International Tourism Schools— A Case Study
• Margarita Payeras, Analysis of
the Yacht Charter Industry in The Balearic Islands
• Simone Novello, Determinants of
tourism loyalty in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
18:00 Conference Reception at the lobby of the
Hotel Management School.
20:00 Conference Reception Dinner (Gran Casino
Mallorca, please take your passport or DNI with you)
19:45 Bus departs from Hotel Tryp Bosque, 19:50 from Hotel Tryp
March 30, 2010 Tuesday
Auditorium, the Hotel
Management School, Campus UIB
8:20 conference bus departs from hotel B, 8:30 from
hotel A
8:30 Registration desk opens until the end of the afternoon.
Time Presentations
9:00 - 10:20 Presentation from institution,
enterprises in tourism sector
Session 2.1 How Spain prepares the
Chinese tourism booming II: the industrial answer
• Pedro Oliver (Imtur) : Preparing Palma for the
Chinese market
• Vanessa Mojarro Bosch (turisTEC): We are
working for the future of tourism
• Luis del Olmo (Sol Meliá): Sol Melia
in China : Today and Tomorrow
• Álvaro Middelmann Blome (Air
Berlín) : Presentation of Air Berlín
• Mª Dolores Ordóñez
Martínez : The Playa de Palma Project
10:20 - 11:00
Special Invited Video Speech
: Chen Yao
(Vice director of the Hainan tourism development Committee, China)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
2.2 Tourism administration in China
• Wang Lin, On the Change of Government’s Role in the
Development of Tourism Industry in China
• Questions and answers: how a foreign company can
open business in China?
12:00-12:45 Panel Session How to prepare the tourism
booming in China
12:45 - 14:00
2.3 Information technology for tourism
• Javier Bustamante (SEGITTUR): La Innovación y
el cambio global: Turismo y Tecnología hoy - The
innovation and global change: the tourism and the technology today
• Antoni Bibiloni, A Tourist Contextual Information
Management Platform – The Mashuptv Tourist Channel
• Jaume Jaume, Dynamic Generation and Visualization
of Customized Touristic Packages
Session 2.4
Tourism development in the Chinese tropical Island Hainan
• Francesc Sastre, Benchmarking Analysis
between Balearic Islands and Hainan Island
• Wang Lin, How Space Launch Theme
Park Will Influence Hainan Island Tourism
14:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 17:00
2.5 Eco-tourism, Environmental impacts of tourism
• Zhang Meng, Initiatives for Urban-Ecotourism in
Macau - A Case Study
• Oscar Saenz de Miera, Tourism Activity and Air
Pollution: the Case of tropospheric Ozone in Majorca
• Mohcine Bakhat, An estimation
of tourism's potential contribution to diesel oil consumption
Session 2.6
Special topics in tourism development II
• Pilar Taboada-de-Zúñiga,
Language Learning as a Resource For the Tourism. A Case Study
Santiago of Compostela.
• Miguel Calderón, The
Seasonality during the first stages of the Butler’s Model in Honduras
• Diego R. Medina-Muñoz,
International Health Tourism: A benchmarking Analysis of Major
Asian Destinations
• Vicente Ramos, The demand analysis of China
Outbournd Tourism - Thailand Case Study
20:00 Conference Dinner
Location: Arroceria Sa Cranca, Paseo Marítimo,
March 31, 2010, Wednesday
8:50 from hotel B, 9:00 from hotel A
9:00 - 18:30 Professional Tour
Visit: Headquarter of Globalia, Golf Field at Son Antem, Valldemossa –
Portals Nous , etc.
Conference closing – Castillo Bellver - the
city Castle Bellver.
Address of conference
location: Escola d'Hoteleria de les Illes Balears
Edificio Arxiduc Lluís Salvador • Cra. Valldemossa, km 7,5 •
07122 Palma Tel.: 971 172 626 / 971 172 608
Notes: if you do
not stay in the conference hotels but want to take the bus to UIB,
please make sure that you send a mail to