Call for papers
Papers related to tourism and hospitality in both countries that
conforms the following conference objectives are welcome:
Topics directly related to
the two countries
- The demand and supply of tourism in the two
completely different cultures, in author’s own country
- Experience, knowledge, and solutions in the tourism
and hospitality sector in author’s own country and own region
- Introduction and description of tourism
administration systems in China and Spain – how to do tourism business
in China, how to do tourism business in Spain
- To give recommendations to the peer professionals
from the other country
- Analysis of tourism resource, tourism market about
China and Spain and regions
- Analysis of economic, socio-cultural and
environmental impacts of tourism in China and Spain, regional
Topics about Tourism
- Development of images and brands
- Tourism management
- Sustainable tourism
- Development of cultural tourism, event tourism,
nature tourism, sport tourism
- Information technology for tourism
- Internet applications for tourism management
- Social networks for development of tourism
Topics about hospitality
and hotel management
- Hotel industry in current world economic situation
- Hotel industry development in emerging markets
- Hotel Finance
- Tourist Hotel Quality Management System
- Hotel Business Administration
- Hotel Marketing, brand development
- Financial and management control
- Food and Beverage Management